Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jeff's thoughts regarding a terra boa da gente (the land of the good people)

I am still composing my overall thoughts (and to be sure there are many) about this trip but I wanted to give some initial feedback. The most fun part of this trip would have to be driving from the passenger seat on the left side of the road. That was really cool. The hardest part of the trip for me was the first couple of hours of driving into Mozambique and seeing some of the living conditions. My first thoughts were "what did I do to be so blessed and why me and not them?" I cried with heartbreak. One of the biggest things I have learned so far is the incredible spirit of the people of Moz. I said before "why me and not them?" and found out that although there is a lot of poverty there, the people of Mozambique are not impoverished. They have a great love for each other and for strangers alike. (The early Portuguese explorers named them "the land of the good people"). I felt like a part of their family with each new acquaintance. God is already there. We were sent to help move the kingdom a little further along and to help the teachers have a stronger impact on their students learning. I am sure it helped, but there is so much more opporutnity there and they are eager to grasp each and every one that comes along. God was behind and in front of every move we made. Deus e bom, todo momento...Todo momento, Deus e bom...(God is good, all the time...)

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