Friday, July 10, 2009

From Africa (but not Moz)


We have arrived safely in Africa. We had several surprises on the way, and God used those to show us that he's the one in control, not us!

One very surprising thing-- the company that we had our van reservation with wouldn't let us take the van into Mozambique! So we ended up getting 2 cars instead with a different company. That put us behind schedule in our drive to Mozambique, so we ended up needing to spend the night in South Africa. So we have not made it to Mozambique yet, after 48 hours on the road. We are tired, but we can tell that God is going to do great things through this trip because of the barriers we have come up against so far. We have been under attack from the enemy, but he is not the victor! One example- 4 of us got stuck in a revolving door at the Paris airport! We really appreciate your prayers, and we have felt them.

We have one piece of lost luggage (Sue's) and one sick person (Heather).

We will be buying supplies in Maputo, Mozambique, tomorrow; worshiping at a UM church in the city Sunday; and then going up to the town where we will be training teachers and sewing students. We'll update you again if we can get online.

Jonathan, for the Team

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear from the Crossroads crew! I will continue to keep you in my prayers daily.
    God Bless you all
